Arabic Lexicon of Electoral Terminology

Arabic - English - French

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Arabic Lexicon of Electoral Terminology

January 27, 2015

The “Arabic Lexicon of Electoral Terminology” is a tri-lingual work of reference in Arabic, English and French. The publication entails 481 entries that aim to provide clear and accurate explanations of key terns in the field of elections. Electoral practice and experience vary widely across the Arab speaking world and different terms are used in different countries to refer to the same concepts or activities in the electoral process. This publication has attempted to provide the most widely accepted terms and capture regional language variations in the eight participating countries: Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Palestine, Tunisia and Yemen. The objective is to help in communications and the exchange of information on electoral issues and practices.

This work is the product of a cooperative undertaking by the UNDP Regional Election project of the Regional Bureau of Arab States, the Strengthening of the Democratic Process in Egypt and the UNDP electoral Assistance projects in Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Palestine, Tunisia and Yemen.

Regions and Countries