Freekeh in Lebanon - Value Chain Assessment and Analysis

Freekeh in Lebanon - Value Chain Assessment and Analysis


Freekeh in Lebanon - Value Chain Assessment and Analysis

January 24, 2020

Freekeh (sometimes spelled freek or farik) is a cereal type of food made from green durum wheat (Triticum turgidum var. durum) that is traditionally dash-burnt and rubbed to create its unique flavour. It is an ancient dish derived from Levantine and North African cuisines, remaining popular in many countries of the eastern Mediterranean Basin where durum wheat originated.

Based on market studies, mainly by the LIVCD program of USAID, it was determined that FFreekeh had a high market demand locally, regionally, and in developed markets such as the US and Europe where Freekeh is recognized for its superior health benefits. Following a comprehensive survey on Freekeh production and marketing, it was observed that its production is mainly concentrated in South Lebanon.